Enjoy the music
"Price of Freedom" by Zakhar Valaha
Lara’s soulmate took his life when he was 24 years old. As a spiritual creative person, she was able to “hear” inner guidance and was led, many years later, to a petting zoo where she met Patches, the wise, elder goat. He put his head on her heart for four glorious years and removed all of her grief. Her journey with goats began with Patches.
Although Lara’s interactions with goats have been miraculous, they were riddled with numerous difficult challenges from various people. The workers at the petting zoo wanted Lara to stop visiting. They separated her from Patches and he died shortly after. It was devastating. Lara lost someone who meant the world to her.
About a year before Patches passed, Lara was asked by a horse rescue to take care of a goat named Rocky whose mom got killed by dogs. He became her son as the bond they established was “herd strong.” After Patches made his transition, Rocky picked up Lara’s shattered heart and healed her grief. Many months later, Sunshine, a three-month-old baby goat, was taken in by the horse rescue as a companion for Rocky. Lara became his mother as well. Rocky, Sunshine and Lara were a herd of their own as their bond grew extremely “herd strong.” Eventually, the horse rescue wanted Lara and the goats to leave. She was told that they were going to put the goats up for adoption and that she would have five minutes to say goodbye to them. It felt devastating. Luckily, Rocky and Sunshine went to someone’s backyard sanctuary where they ate as much hay as they desired! It was a 45 minute drive, but Lara was allowed to visit three days a week and adopted them. But, soon Rocky became gravely ill and Lara had to say goodbye to another family member who was impossible to lose. Sunshine saved Lara’s shattered heart as their bond grew even more “herd strong.”
Since Sunshine was mostly alone, Lara found a sanctuary that accepted him into their herd. She moved to be near Sunshine and visited him four days a week. It was at this sanctuary where Lara met Gerard, a goat who had been saved from slaughter. Goat jealousy aside, Lara and Sunshine became great friends with Gerard. After two years, Lara was asked to leave that sanctuary. She was told that Sunshine could stay, but she could not. It was devastating.
She was given the option to let that sanctuary adopt Sunshine, but she would only be allowed to visit him during public events which were about twice a year. Needless to say, Lara began the arduous process of finding another place for Sunshine where she would be allowed to visit.
Finding a decent place for goats to live is like pulling teeth. Most people who have goats have their own land. While she was looking and looking for a suitable place, the farm animal sanctuary where Sunshine and Gerard lived announced that they were closing their doors and needed to rehome their animals. Lara was asked if she wanted to adopt Gerard and so Lara acquired another son. This was a great relief to her because she had no idea of how she was going to part from him. Thankfully, instead of saying goodbye, Gerard became part of her family.

After a tumultuous search and many people’s prayers/positive intentions, Lara was able to find another rescue that would accept Sunshine and Gerard, allowing Lara to visit. The amount and timing of visits were very limited, the boarding was expensive and required physical work as well, but Lara was still able to have her beloved boys in her life. However, Sunshine was not happy since two female goats were kept on the other side of the fence, away from him. He is castrated but still likes females. Needless to say, his horns caused damage to the fence. His aggressive food tendencies were hard for the people to deal with as well.
In the past, the horse rescue where Rocky and Sunshine used to live rationed their feed behind Lara’s back. She found out one day when she saw some volunteers feeding them in the evening. They had been told to give them only a few handfuls of hay. Because of this, Sunshine became food aggressive.
After a short number of months at this new animal sanctuary, Lara was told that she needed to find a new place for Sunshine and Gerard. It was extremely difficult to find another safe place for them to live. Finally, that animal sanctuary threatened that she only had one more month to find a place. She knew that they would have been dropped off at a shelter and risked becoming someone’s dinner. She felt desperate.
Most rescues and sanctuaries were full or only took in sick goats or ones dealing with catastrophic emergencies. Many places she looked at were the size of postage stamps, fed their goats unsatisfactory feed for wethers (castrated male goats), had inadequate fencing, and/or didn’t allow Lara to visit. This was, yet again, a very difficult situation.
Finally, Lara found a place that could work. There were some challenges, but she didn’t have much choice at that time. Lara’s goats are picky eaters; they protect the sensitivities of their four-chambered stomach. The hay was thrown on the ground instead of being put in a container. This can cause parasite growth. They usually don’t eat the hay that touches the ground, only the hay at the top. They were hungry. Lara made the mistake of asking for them to be fed more hay. The next day her boys were moved to another area of the ranch where there was no shelter, no shade, no water and extremely inadequate fencing. It was a very hot summer and Lara was afraid for their lives. She knew the woman was angered and she needed to act quickly.
She called the only place that she could. Luckily, the woman of that ranch answered the phone. Lara had spoken to her in the past; she knew the woman’s terms, but she was desperate to save her boys. That day, Sunshine and Gerard were loaded onto a horse carrier and driven to their new place. There, they would have shelter, quality hay, fresh water, minerals and friends (some of the goats that they knew from the sanctuary that closed its doors went there). But, what it didn’t have was access to her beloved boys.
Lara was told that her boys could live there, but she was not allowed to visit them. However, Lara was allowed to take them back if she could obtain goat-zoned property. Lara fed her boys the fruit and vegetable treats as planned, told them that true friends meet again and drove away, determined that one day she would be reunited with her beloved boys.
The current situation is devastating to Lara. The ranch where Lara’s beloved Sunshine and Gerard were living was sold. Her boys were included in the sale of the ranch. Lara was told that her goats were no longer hers. Lara wrote letters to the new owners but letters were disregarded and ignored. The new owner gave Lara’s beloved goats away and will not tell her where they are. She had to get a lawyer, but the new owner has ignored the lawyer’s letters. Lara is devastated. She has hope that her beloved goats are still alive and will be reunited with her. Regardless of how dire this situation is, Lara is determined to continue this fundraiser selling digital downloads for the rest of her life to help animals in need.
Lara has been blessed by the companionship of goats that have become the pillars of her life. Her intention is to create a sanctuary for goats and sheep in need that, in turn, can help heal veterans and other people who need healing. She has received so much love and care from these animals and desires to pay it forward. The sanctuary and healing center is still in the idea/dream state, but there is great hope combined with action to make it manifest. She will be filing for non-profit status and can’t wait to share with you the future name of her organization. Fifty percent (50%) of your purchases from digital downloads (downloadable greeting cards, downloadable poetry wall art and downloadable e-books) goes towards the Healing Center and Animal Sanctuary. The other fifty percent (50%) of your purchases from digital downloads goes to reputable oranizations that save farm animals, companion animals, and wildlife.
As a creative writer, there are a few stories on Kindle that she has written about her beloved goats. There are numerous books that she has written on various topics. After her soulmate took his life, she went on a trust walk without money in order to forge a new identity. Years later, it became a book called Piece of Planet or Planet of Peace: A Journey Through Letting Go Told in Prose and Poetry. All Kindle e-books are also a part of the fundraiser.
As an empath, she is able to “hear” insightful guidance to help others who need an alternative perspective in order to move through challenges. She conducts various spiritual services including weddings, memorials, house blessings, etc.
Many years ago, she had a vision very early in the morning of the World Peace Necklace. She took what she saw in her mind’s eye and created the World Peace Necklace in order to promote world peace by showing that we accept others, regardless of their belief systems.
Check out her digital downloadable Animal Birthday Cards and Celebrating You Cards created as a fundraiser to help reputable farm animal rescues, sanctuaries, endangered wildlife and domesticated pet organizations. Some rescues often scrounge for dollars just to feed their animals and give them proper vet care. She wants to help solve this problem!
Poetry holds a special place in Lara’s life; after all, it is the language of the heart. Take a look at her Poetic Greeting Cards, Poetry Wall Art , and digital downloadable Printable Poetry Wall Art. The Printable Poetry Wall Art and the Poetic Greeting Cards are also a part of the ongoing fundraiser.
Thank You! Many Happy Blessings to you
Lara’s soulmate took his life when he was 24 years old. As a spiritual creative person, she was able to “hear” inner guidance and was led, many years later, to a petting zoo where she met Patches, the wise, elder goat. He put his head on her heart for four glorious years and removed all of her grief. Her journey with goats began with Patches.
Although Lara’s interactions with goats have been miraculous, they were riddled with numerous difficult challenges from various people. The workers at the petting zoo wanted Lara to stop visiting. They separated her from Patches and he died shortly after. It was devastating. Lara lost someone who meant the world to her.
About a year before Patches passed, Lara was asked by a horse rescue to take care of a goat named Rocky whose mom got killed by dogs. He became her son as the bond they established was “herd strong.” After Patches made his transition, Rocky picked up Lara’s shattered heart and healed her grief. Many months later, Sunshine, a three-month-old baby goat, was taken in by the horse rescue as a companion for Rocky. Lara became his mother as well. Rocky, Sunshine and Lara were a herd of their own as their bond grew extremely “herd strong.” Eventually, the horse rescue wanted Lara and the goats to leave. She was told that they were going to put the goats up for adoption and that she would have five minutes to say goodbye to them. It felt devastating.

Luckily, Rocky and Sunshine went to someone’s backyard sanctuary where they ate as much hay as they desired! It was a 45 minute drive, but Lara was allowed to visit three days a week and adopted them. But, soon Rocky became gravely ill and Lara had to say goodbye to another family member who was impossible to lose. Sunshine saved Lara’s shattered heart as their bond grew even more “herd strong.”
Since Sunshine was mostly alone, Lara found a sanctuary that accepted him into their herd. She moved to be near Sunshine and visited him four days a week. It was at this sanctuary where Lara met Gerard, a goat who had been saved from slaughter. Goat jealousy aside, Lara and Sunshine became great friends with Gerard. After two years, Lara was asked to leave that sanctuary. She was told that Sunshine could stay, but she could not. It was devastating.
She was given the option to let that sanctuary adopt Sunshine, but she would only be allowed to visit him during public events which were about twice a year. Needless to say, Lara began the arduous process of finding another place for Sunshine where she would be allowed to visit.
Finding a decent place for goats to live is like pulling teeth. Most people who have goats have their own land. While she was looking and looking for a suitable place, the farm animal sanctuary where Sunshine and Gerard lived announced that they were closing their doors and needed to rehome their animals. Lara was asked if she wanted to adopt Gerard and so Lara acquired another son. This was a great relief to her because she had no idea of how she was going to part from him. Thankfully, instead of saying goodbye, Gerard became part of her family.

After a tumultuous search and many people’s prayers/positive intentions, Lara was able to find another rescue that would accept Sunshine and Gerard, allowing Lara to visit. The amount and timing of visits were very limited, the boarding was expensive and required physical work as well, but Lara was still able to have her beloved boys in her life. However, Sunshine was not happy since two female goats were kept on the other side of the fence, away from him. He is castrated but still likes females. Needless to say, his horns caused damage to the fence. His aggressive food tendencies were hard for the people to deal with as well.
In the past, the horse rescue where Rocky and Sunshine used to live rationed their feed behind Lara’s back. She found out one day when she saw some volunteers feeding them in the evening. They had been told to give them only a few handfuls of hay. Because of this, Sunshine became food aggressive.
After a short number of months at this new animal sanctuary, Lara was told that she needed to find a new place for Sunshine and Gerard. It was extremely difficult to find another safe place for them to live. Finally, that animal sanctuary threatened that she only had one more month to find a place. She knew that they would have been dropped off at a shelter and risked becoming someone’s dinner. She felt desperate.
Most rescues and sanctuaries were full or only took in sick goats or ones dealing with catastrophic emergencies. Many places she looked at were the size of postage stamps, fed their goats unsatisfactory feed for wethers (castrated male goats), had inadequate fencing, and/or didn’t allow Lara to visit. This was, yet again, a very difficult situation.
Finally, Lara found a place that could work. There were some challenges, but she didn’t have much choice at that time. Lara’s goats are picky eaters; they protect the sensitivities of their four-chambered stomach. The hay was thrown on the ground instead of being put in a container. This can cause parasite growth. They usually don’t eat the hay that touches the ground, only the hay at the top. They were hungry. Lara made the mistake of asking for them to be fed more hay. The next day her boys were moved to another area of the ranch where there was no shelter, no shade, no water and extremely inadequate fencing. It was a very hot summer and Lara was afraid for their lives. She knew the woman was angered and she needed to act quickly.
She called the only place that she could. Luckily, the woman of that ranch answered the phone. Lara had spoken to her in the past; she knew the woman’s terms, but she was desperate to save her boys. That day, Sunshine and Gerard were loaded onto a horse carrier and driven to their new place. There, they would have shelter, quality hay, fresh water, minerals and friends (some of the goats that they knew from the sanctuary that closed its doors went there). But, what it didn’t have was access to her beloved boys.
Lara was told that her boys could live there, but she was not allowed to visit them. However, Lara was allowed to take them back if she could obtain goat-zoned property. Lara fed her boys the fruit and vegetable treats as planned, told them that true friends meet again and drove away, determined that one day she would be reunited with her beloved boys.
The current situation is devastating to Lara. The ranch where Lara’s beloved Sunshine and Gerard were living was sold. Her boys were included in the sale of the ranch. Lara was told that her goats were no longer hers. Lara wrote letters to the new owner but the letters were disregarded and ignored. The new owner gave Lara’s beloved goats away and will not tell her where they are. She had to get a lawyer, but the new owner has ignored the lawyer’s letters. Lara is devastated. She has hope that her beloved goats are still alive and will be reunited with her. Regardless of how dire this situation is, Lara is determined to continue this fundraiser selling digital downloads for the rest of her life to help animals in need.
Lara has been blessed by the companionship of goats that have become the pillars of her life. Her intention is to create a sanctuary for goats and sheep in need that, in turn, can help heal veterans and other people who need healing. She has received so much love and care from these animals and desires to pay it forward. The sanctuary and healing center is still in the idea/dream state, but there is great hope combined with action to make it manifest. She will be filing for non-profit status and can’t wait to share with you the future name of her organization. Fifty percent (50%) of your purchases from digital downloads (downloadable greeting cards, downloadable poetry wall art and downloadable e-books) goes towards the Healing Center and Animal Sanctuary. The other fifty percent (50%) of your purchases from digital downloads goes to reputable organizations that save farm animals, companion animals, and wildlife.
As a creative writer, there are a few stories on Kindle that she has written about her beloved goats. There are numerous books that she has written on various topics. After her soulmate took his life, she went on a trust walk without money in order to forge a new identity. Years later, it became a book called Piece of Planet or Planet of Peace: A Journey Through Letting Go Told in Prose and Poetry. All Kindle e-books are also a part of the fundraiser.
As an empath, she is able to “hear” insightful guidance to help others who need an alternative perspective in order to move through challenges. She conducts various spiritual services including weddings, memorials, house blessings, etc.
Many years ago, she had a vision very early in the morning of the World Peace Necklace. She took what she saw in her mind’s eye and created the World Peace Necklace in order to promote world peace by showing that we accept others, regardless of their belief systems.
Check out her digital downloadable Animal Birthday Cards and Celebrating You Cards created as a fundraiser to help reputable farm animal rescues, sanctuaries, endangered wildlife and domesticated pet organizations. Some rescues often scrounge for dollars just to feed their animals and give them proper vet care. She wants to help solve this problem!
Poetry holds a special place in Lara’s life; after all, it is the language of the heart. Take a look at her Poetic Greeting Cards, Poetry Wall Art , and digital downloadable Printable Poetry Wall Art. The Printable Poetry Wall Art and the Poetic Greeting Cards are also a part of the ongoing fundraiser.
Thank You! Many Happy Blessings to you
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