I hope that when I see you again
After almost two months of physical separation
That my eyes meet yours
That my eyes let you know
You are loved.
I hope my eyes grab you in, hold you and kiss you
All in one glance.
I hope my heart pitter patters
To your heart,
Forming their own music
That we will later dance to
I hope all of this
But, really I hope that our hands meet
And hold one another
With just our palms and fingers touching
Letting each other know we feel held,
we feel our souls connected,
As our hands clasp one another’s
In a hand holding where our hearts are in the center of our palms
pulsing secretly to each other
The whole world not being able to see
The secret of our hearts
Connecting and beating in our palms
So that when we are out n’ about
holding hands in public
No one needs to know
That we are really mingling our hearts
That we are really uniting our souls
That we are finding comfort in each other’s palms,
Secretly, mysteriously
Locking hands and fingers
As if they are the heart and soul of our union.
I hope my eyes feel this, too.
And my heart.
And my feet, walking next to you.
And my skin feeling yours near now.
My being quenched by your presence.
I hope my eyes tell you what you want to hear.