I wish I knew
That you were my star
Shining with me.
I wish I knew
That our hearts made music
In between the beats
When we stopped to listen.
I wish I had pitter patter in my pulse
Excited each day to see you.
I wish I knew
That I desired to wake up to you each morning.
What I do know
Is that the wind blows
It blows away the tangles in my head
That needed clearing
That the water running in the river
Is washing clean
The debris that had washed upon my shore
I know that it has now put the boat back in
And threw away its oars
I know that the sun will shine
When it stops raining inside of me
I know that it will stop.
I know that your hand placed in mine is warm.
I know that the smile on your face
Leads to a heart that is also smiling
I know that when you give
There are no hidden strings attached
I know you are pure
And only mean well.
I know you care about me
Beyond what I’ve ever experienced
And that you are stable
Like a four legged steel table.
I know that your eyes tell the truth
And give the secrets in your heart exposure.
I know that you will surprise me with even more
And I will be amazed at the continuing abundance.
I wish I knew that I could receive all of that now.
But, I don’t.
I know I will pry my fingers open
And let go of what I was carrying
that no longer serves
This, I know.